




Learn Lisp with me

programming lisp

Lisp (historically LISP) is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive, fully parenthesized prefix notation. Originally specified in 1958, Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language still in common use. Only Fortran is older, by one year. Lisp has changed since its early days, and many dialects have existed over its history. Today, the best-known general-purpose Lisp dialects are Racket, Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure.

Lisp was originally created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs, influenced by (though not originally derived from) the notation of Alonzo Church's lambda calculus. It quickly became the favored programming language for artificial intelligence (AI) research. As one of the earliest programming languages, Lisp pioneered many ideas in computer science, including tree data structures, automatic storage management, dynamic typing, conditionals, higher-order functions, recursion, the self-hosting compiler, and the read–eval–print loop.

The name LISP derives from "LISt Processor". Linked lists are one of Lisp's major data structures, and Lisp source code is made of lists. Thus, Lisp programs can manipulate source code as a data structure, giving rise to the macro systems that allow programmers to create new syntax or new domain-specific languages embedded in Lisp.

The interchangeability of code and data gives Lisp its instantly recognizable syntax. All program code is written as s-expressions, or parenthesized lists. A function call or syntactic form is written as a list with the function or operator's name first, and the arguments following; for instance, a function f that takes three arguments would be called as (f arg1 arg2 arg3).

Basic syntax

(defparameter *small* 1)
(defvar *foo* 20)
(setf *big* 20)
(defun funname () (..)..(.. (1))
(let ((a 5)(b 6))(+ a b))
(flet ( (f(n)(+ n 10)) (g(n)(- n 3)) ) (g (f 5)) )
(labels ( (a(n)(+ n 5)) (b(n)(+ (a n) 6)) )(b 10))
(eq 'fooo 'FoOo)
(princ "He yelled \"Stop that thief!\" from the busy street.")

The cons function

(cons 'chicken 'cat)


In cons, the first value is a separate symbol while the second value can optionally be a list.

(cons 'chicken 'nil)


(cons 'chicken ())

-> gives the same output

(cons 'pork '(beef chicken))


which is the same as doing

(cons 'pork (cons 'beef (cons 'chicken ())))

The car function

car is used to extract the first value from a list.

(car '(pork beef chicken))


The cdr function

cdr takes out the remaining values of a list.

(cdr '(pork beef chicken))


(car (cdr '(pork beef chicken)))


which is the same as,

(cadr '(pork beef chicken))


The list function

For convenience, Common Lisp has many functions built on top of the basic three — cons, car, and cdr.

A useful one is list.

(list 'pork 'beef 'chicken)


Thus the below three lines mean essentially the same.

Nested lists

'(cat (duck bat) ant)

Lists can contain other lists.

(cdar '((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken)))


(cadadr '((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken) duck))


You could go on writing to your heart's content but here's the catch: The c*r allows maximum depth of four so if you write cadadar, you'll have to define the function yourself.

Decision making

What if?

Whenever an empty list is passed, its interpreted as being empty.

(if '()


(if '(1)


(defun my-length (list)
	(if list
		(1+ (my-length (cdr list)))
(my-length '(list with four symbols))


False values

(eq '() nil)	==> T
(eq '() ())	==> T
(eq '() 'nil)	==> T

Checking whether the given number is odd:

(if (oddp 5)


Conditional commands in LISP are special forms which do not need to execute all the statements included within them.

(if (oddp 5)
(/ 1 0))


(defvar *number-was-odd* nil)
(if (oddp 5)
(progn (setf *number-was-odd* t)




when and unless

With when, all the enclosed expressions are evaluated when the condition is true. With unless, all the enclosed expressions are evaluated when the condition is false.

(defvar *number-is-odd* nil)
> (when (oddp 5)
(setf *number-is-odd* t)




(unless (oddp 4)
(setf *number-is-odd* nil)




cond, the one true LISP conditional

(defvar *arch-enemy* nil)
(defun pudding-eater (person)
    (cond ((eq person 'henry) (setf *arch-enemy* 'stupid-lisp-alien)
                              '(curse you lisp alien – you ate my pudding))
          ((eq person 'johnny) (setf *arch-enemy* 'useless-old-johnny)
                               '(i hope you choked on my pudding johnny))
          (t                   '(why you eat my pudding stranger ?))))
(pudding-eater 'johnny)


The case of case

In a similar way we can use case

(defun pudding-eater (person)
(case person
 (setf *arch-enemy* 'stupid-lisp-alien)
'(curse you lisp alien – you ate my pudding))
((johnny) (setf *arch-enemy* 'useless-old-johnny)
'(i hope you choked on my pudding johnny))
(otherwise '(why you eat my pudding stranger ?))))

Stealth mode on 👾 with and and or

(and (oddp 5) (oddp 7) (oddp 9))


 (or (oddp 4) (oddp 7) (oddp 8))


If a statement is found out to be true, or doesn't bother about checking the other statements; similarly for and in the case of false statement. This helps when we want to run a specific command only when some expected condition is not met.

We retrieve, we check - find-if

(find-if #'oddp '(2 4 5 6))


(if (find-if #'oddp '(2 4 5 6))


(find-if #'null '(2 4 nil 6))


eq and equal dilemma

The eql command is similar to the eq command, but unlike eq , it also handles comparisons of numbers and characters.

The equalp command is essentially the same as the equal command, except that it can handle some difficult comparison cases with a bit of extra sophisti-cation.

eq eql equal equalp = string-equal char-equal
symbols yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
lists no no yes yes no no no
list-diff no no yes yes no no no
integer no yes yes yes yes no no
floating-point no yes yes yes* yes no no
string no no yes yes* no yes no
character no yes yes yes no no yes

* equalp can compare case sensitives and floating points and integers.

Sorting algorithms in C
Learn Lisp with me - 2