tipsEver worried about being able to easily transfer subscriptions from yt to newpipe but not back? Deleted some and added some more subscriptions and then want to go back to the official youtube app for a bit? I made a bash script where you input the both files (yt CSV and newpipe json), and it tells you what changed, which subs deleted and which o…
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <youtube.csv> <newpipe.json> "
exit 1
cat "$1" | cut -d ',' -f2- | sed 's/http:/https:/g' | sed 's/"//g' | sort | uniq > yt.txt
cat "$2" | sed 's/},/},\n/g' | sed 's/url":"/url":"\n/g' | grep -v '"url"' | sed 's/","name":"/,/g' | sed 's/"}.*//g' | sed 's/\\\\u2019/’/g' | sed 's/\\\\\u2013/–/g' | sort | uniq > np.txt
diff yt.txt np.txt
rm np.txt yt.txt